Thursday, March 12, 2009

Apples and Info.

Well, the apples mentioned in the previous post were bad. :( It made work that night a huge pain the ass. One girl cannot dance on beat to save her life. Her set was almost like watching a car shouldn't look but you cannot help to look. Except in this case looking at it makes you laugh...alot. I would feel kind of sorry for her but she has the attitude that she is God's gift to our strip club. In all reality, EVERY male sitting in Perv's row (seating around the stage) got up and left the minute she stepped foot on stage.

The other one is so shy that she will not look anyone in the eye. Not even her co-workers. I tried to talk to her and she looked at me like I was Satan himself and walked away. I will probably try to get to know her more if she allows it. It just stinks though because if even one person is uncomfortable in a strip club it just brings the whole mood down and makes it weird. Kind of like when the DJ messes up and there is dead silence in the strip club. Everyone kind of stops and looks around strangely and all you can hear are a few glasses clinking, stripper heels clanking around and chairs creaking. Trust me...its weird. We have a DJ who does this frequently because apparently he cannot intro in and out of songs. I think that he has not rythm...maybe him and Apple # 2 are related?!?! :)

I also got an email that contained some random questions. So here are the answers to my random info. questions and more!

- The strangest thing that I have done to my hair. My second night stripping, I made the mistake of not using hair gel or hairspray when I went onstage. Our stripper pole has so much friction that it will shock you everytime you touch it on some nights. Well, I was not aware of this and when I did my first pole trick my hair got static electricity in it and unbeknowst to me looked like I had stuck my finger in a light socket.

-The last book that I read was "Which Child is Mine?" by Karen Rose Smith. Something my mom gave me. I love to read and go through books really fast.

-The worst movie that I have seen was "Love in the Time of Cholera". It was on HBO and hubby and I were bored.

-I have been married for over 5 years to the love of my life

-I cannot stand to have my fingernails painted with color on it. It has to be French Manicure or nothing. However, I paint my toenails all kinds of colors!

- Anytime I come into skin to skin contact with customers, I go into the dressing room and wipe down the touched parts of my skin. Guys tend to have oily or sweaty skin and I do not want that on me!

- I get complimented ALL the time on the choice of scent that I use. It is my signature scent at the strip club because nobody else uses it at my club. It is Clinique Happy.

That is all I have time for for now. If anybody has questions that want to ask you can email me at or comment on this. :)

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