Monday, April 27, 2009

I am moving!

I have moved my blog to ! This website allows for fans to connect with their favorite adult performer or stripper. Read their blog, rate them, chat and message them, buy their merchandise and more! You guys totally need to come find me and my blog (KayKay is my performer name on and other performers as well.

Come join with me today!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Sorry for the delay in blog posts but I have been busy lately! :) I have been sick so I have not been working at all much lately. I am so running low on funds right now it is not even funny!! One of my friends at the club quit last week ( Ginger) because she got into trouble for smacking a customer that grabbed her crotch. Management said that she should have let the bouncer take care of it but sometimes you just want to stand up for yourself!! It just baffles me how guys think that entering a strip club means that the girls are there for all of their needs. We appreciate the fact that you like us and our bodies. However, just because we have them on display does not mean you can touch. Do you go touch the Mona Lisa at the museum when it is on display? No! So do not touch my display either!! LOL :) Not that I am saying my body is a work of art or anything but it is kind of the same principle. Well, enough ranting. I am supposed to go work tommorow night at the strip club so I will probably fill you after work. :)

Friday, March 20, 2009

For those unsure or nervous about going to the strip club

I have gotten a couple emails/comments from those people who are scared and nervous about going to the strip club. While some of you seem interested about it, the unknown is scary. I have found a couple articles that are very helpful and that I think explain it well. This article gives details and tips for a first time patron and this article is a guide for first time women visitors. I think that would might make those of you that are nervous a little more informed and comfortable about the visit.

Also, if anyone of you have any questions about what happens in a strip club or if you unsure what to do in certian situations, please ask! I would be happy to clear up any confusion :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Work has been pretty slow..

Well, work has been crap the past few days. The work at the clerk's office that is. It has been slow and tedious and crap!! I have only worked 3 days at the strip club in the past 7 days and it has been going okay.

The 2 strippers that started the other night (see previous post) have both been fired or quit. The girl with no rythm tried to give a customer a hand job in the lap dance room and was quickly fired. The shy girl quit after one night of working. Other strippers told me that she walked out of here in the hole her first night. See, we have mandatory stage fees that we have to pay the minute we walk in the door at night. Mine is $10.00. Then we have to tip $5.00 to the doorman, bouncer, DJ, and bartender. So I already know that I am out $30.00 when I decide to strip that night.

So my first hour or maybe even 2 is spent working for free pretty much! The other night I went for almost 45 minutes without getting tipped once. It baffles me how customers can sit there and watch me do full cardio for 10 minutes or so and then feel as though they do not need to tip me. That is when I do not even take anything off during my onstage set until someone tips. They get mad but why am I going to show you something for free?

We had a couple come into the strip club the other night that just brought the whole mood of the club down. The guy was all into it and having a great time but his girl sat there the entire time looking down and giving the strippers weird looks. She obviously was uncomfortable and did not want to be there. We love when couples come in and both people want to be there and have fun. However, no one wants to approach the guy that is with a girl who does not want to be there. It just made the strip club have a weird vibe until they left. Well, off to get some stuff done. :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

New Poll and Batchelor Hate

So, I put up a new question so everyone please vote @ the poll over ===> please. :) The batchelor parties that came in where completely different. One came ready to spend $$$ and tip. They tipped well and paid the extra cash for the batchelor to get his spankings and 3 girl lap dance onstage. They also were very polite and were obviously just there to have a good time. The other was a pain in the ass. They came with like no money and were complaining that the other party was getting more attention than they were. They then threw a huge bitch fest because we did not take their batchelor onstage. Hello?!?! Do not come to a freakin strip club with $30 between 10 guys and expect to make an entire night out of it. It is NOT going to happen.

Do not get me wrong, I do not expect people to blow a lot of money everytime that they come to the strip club. However, I think that it is common courtesy to tip people for their service...whatever that service may be.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Off to the old bump and grind...

We supposedly have TWO batchelor parties coming in tonight. Ugh. That is all I can say. I am betting that at least one or both of them will end up being bounced tonight. Hopefully they will get in a tipping war trying to show who is more manly during my set. I can dream..right? Fill you in later.

Cool Website

Hey! I wanted to tell everyone about this awesome website that has all things strip club related. It has tips, guides, a directory that covers the USA, classifieds and tons more. has everything you could want and more. The articles there are just spot on with information and tips. It also has a video section where you can check out some adult cinema. Check it out. :)


Apples and Info.

Well, the apples mentioned in the previous post were bad. :( It made work that night a huge pain the ass. One girl cannot dance on beat to save her life. Her set was almost like watching a car shouldn't look but you cannot help to look. Except in this case looking at it makes you laugh...alot. I would feel kind of sorry for her but she has the attitude that she is God's gift to our strip club. In all reality, EVERY male sitting in Perv's row (seating around the stage) got up and left the minute she stepped foot on stage.

The other one is so shy that she will not look anyone in the eye. Not even her co-workers. I tried to talk to her and she looked at me like I was Satan himself and walked away. I will probably try to get to know her more if she allows it. It just stinks though because if even one person is uncomfortable in a strip club it just brings the whole mood down and makes it weird. Kind of like when the DJ messes up and there is dead silence in the strip club. Everyone kind of stops and looks around strangely and all you can hear are a few glasses clinking, stripper heels clanking around and chairs creaking. Trust me...its weird. We have a DJ who does this frequently because apparently he cannot intro in and out of songs. I think that he has not rythm...maybe him and Apple # 2 are related?!?! :)

I also got an email that contained some random questions. So here are the answers to my random info. questions and more!

- The strangest thing that I have done to my hair. My second night stripping, I made the mistake of not using hair gel or hairspray when I went onstage. Our stripper pole has so much friction that it will shock you everytime you touch it on some nights. Well, I was not aware of this and when I did my first pole trick my hair got static electricity in it and unbeknowst to me looked like I had stuck my finger in a light socket.

-The last book that I read was "Which Child is Mine?" by Karen Rose Smith. Something my mom gave me. I love to read and go through books really fast.

-The worst movie that I have seen was "Love in the Time of Cholera". It was on HBO and hubby and I were bored.

-I have been married for over 5 years to the love of my life

-I cannot stand to have my fingernails painted with color on it. It has to be French Manicure or nothing. However, I paint my toenails all kinds of colors!

- Anytime I come into skin to skin contact with customers, I go into the dressing room and wipe down the touched parts of my skin. Guys tend to have oily or sweaty skin and I do not want that on me!

- I get complimented ALL the time on the choice of scent that I use. It is my signature scent at the strip club because nobody else uses it at my club. It is Clinique Happy.

That is all I have time for for now. If anybody has questions that want to ask you can email me at or comment on this. :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Competition Tonight @ the Club

Not sure what to think about stripping tonight. We are supposed to have 2 new strippers start tonight and I am having mixed feelings. See, about half the girls who dance are cool and normal just like me. However, the other half fit the sterotype of strippers. Drug and alcohol addicted, daddy issue having, taking money for sex acts on the side, drama starting girls. If you get one of the bad apples than she usually takes the money out of my G-String if she does sex acts. Me, I do NOT do ANYTHING that could be remotely considered a sex act. That is not in my job description and if it was than I would not be working at my job. If you get one of the nice girls than it makes for a nice work enviroment just like anywhere else. Jealousy is so apparent in a lot of strip clubs. I once new a girl that was mad because another stripper stole her customer who was given her good tips. So she dripped eye drops in her drink in the dressing room and she got horrible cramps and the shits!!! Well, I will detail my night after work. :)

A little About Me

So, I guess that I will go into a little more detail about who I am. I am a 24 year old female from a small town in Indiana. I have been a clerk for about 2 years now and a stripper during the night for about 8 months. I was a "tomboy" until I was 17 and then everything changed because it was then that I started getting notice by men. I think that all girls will admit that the feeling of having a guy take time to notice you is powerful. Maybe this is why I chose to enter into the world of stripping. I liked going to the strip club before and it was a friend of mine that mentioned it. What else would you like to know blog readers?
Well, the night is over and pretty tired. We had a batchelor party come in to to the strip club last night, which I do not really care for. They always seem as though their mission is to embarass the hell out of the groom and they act as though they should be top priority. I do not understand why you would want to spend your last night as a "free man" being spanked with your own belt onstage in front of the entire strip club.

We also had some ladies visit the club. It is always fun when ladies come to the strip club and realize that it is for fun and that is it. Some you that have never been to a strip club might be suprised that so many women actually do come and enjoy the strip club. And no, most are NOT lesbians. Well, off to sleep until tonight. I have not decided if I should work tonight or not....should I?

Monday, March 9, 2009

That is what I get for saying this was a good night at work! I swear it was busy a little bit ago and then I come back to the dressing room and the guys leave the strip club!! I hate having to do 15 minutes of cardio around the stripper pole just for a couple of bucks. Being a stripper has its good qualities but not when the strip club is SLOW!!! Come on customers....come visit!!

The strip club was great tonight!

Hello blog readers! My name is KayKay and I am your average girl next door who just happens to be a stripper. The strip club is a crazy place but I actually enjoy my work. I get to listen to men's twisted fantasies, their troubles from home, and their drunken escapades. So many people say that being a stripper in a strip club is gross and degrates women. I think many would rethink that if they new the amount of doctors, teachers, and even lawyers worked the poll off the clock from their 9 to 5 job. I started this blog because I want to discuss all things strip club with John's from all over the world. What do you like or dislike from strippers at the strip club? What was the best experience that you have ever had at the strip club? Comment and let me know.....until next time. Keep those dollar bills handy boys. :)
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